If you are looking to meet new people and/or make new friends in the community, we hope you will consider joining in any of the clubs, groups or activities Woodland Pond has to offer.
Book Club (Every Other Month):
Coordinator: Holly Oehrlein - 804-796-5253 (hollyesq@hotmail.com)
Meets first Monday of every other month at 7pm
Book Club (Monthly):
Coordinator: Sarah Razzaboni - 781-696-0609 (sarahrazz@comcast.net)
Meets second Tuesday of every month at 7pm
Bridge (Marathon):
Contact: Sandra Walker - 804-751-0713 (walker9307@aol.com)
Theresa Tremper - 804-796-6489 (ttrem6172@aol.com)
Garden Club:
President: Sue Perry, 804-777-9562
VP/Membership: Donetta Bantle, 804-0997-9352
Meets at the Swim and Racquet Club the second Thursday of each month at 6:45, September - May
WPGC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that supports an array of service projects in the community.
Lunch Bunch:
Coordinator: Lisa Elko - 804-405-8404 (elkoth@verizon.net)
This group meets monthly year-round and has lunch at various restaurants throughout the Metro Richmond Area.